Wolves, Dogs and Wolf-Dog Crosses

Most people read White Fang by Jack London or Kavik the Wolf Dog by Walt Morey when they are children.  These and other stories glorify the intelligence, strength and loyalty of wolf-dog crosses.  After hearing about White Fang saving his master from murderous villains, who wouldn't dream of finding such a companion?  So many people go searching for a wolf-dog of their own, whether to serve as a connection to nature or as a fierce guard dog, that a huge black-market has grown up to fill the demand.  Thousands of wolf-dog puppies are sold as private pets each year.  Breeders generally tell the new owner to raise the pup just like a dog and all of their White Fang fantasies will come true.

It's easy to forget that White Fang lived in the wilds of Gold Rush Alaska - allowed to roam at will, hunting for his own food and biting anyone who got too close to his master.  Behavior like that just doesn't fly in today's society.  Seventy five percent of the wolf-dog puppies sold each year die before their first birthday.  Despite the owners' best intentions and hard work, wolf-dog puppies inevitable grow up to be very serious, independent, and unpredictable escape artists.  It is extremely rare to find a grown wolf-dog who can adjust to the demands of being someone's pet.

A Growing Problem

An introduction to wolf-dog crosses.


Before You Decide...

A potential wolf-dog owner's questionnaire.

Rolling the Dice

Genetics and the wolf-dog.


The Wolf-Dog Game

Can you identify which is the wolf, the dog and the wolf-dog?


“Bad Dog!”

What wolf-dogs do to loose their homes.

Making It Work

If you absolutely have to get a wolf-dog, here are some recommendations for care and housing that might help.

What are your Options?

What can be done with a maturing wolf-dog when everything’s gone wrong?

Wolf-Dog Tales

Stories of real wolf-dogs.

Rescue Organizations

A few places that might be able to help.


One last thought on wolves, dogs and wolf-dog crosses.