

Sila was born in May of 1990, and was white with black and gray markings.   She was sold as a 98% wolf-dog cross, out of a roadside zoo in Colorado.  While it’s believde that she was a pure wolf, the breeder could sell her legally by claiming she was part dog.  Her parents had lived in the same 15f t. diameter pen (similar to a circus cage) for over 9 years.  Whenever puppies were born, zoo visitors who were interested in the wolves were encouraged to buy one and take it home to raise like a dog.  According to the owner of the zoo, these animals would make good pets and were good with children.  Sila was sold for $400 to a couple who lived in Pueblo, Colorado.  Even at three weeks old, Sila was an independent, feisty, little creature.  She, like most wolves, was insistent in having her own way and would not obey.  In fact, if she were disciplined she would, in turn, discipline her owners.

As a very tiny pup, Sila climbed onto her owner’s table to take a steak.  When the man tried to take it back, she bit him on the hand (never try to take food away from a wild animal).  Soon after, she got loose from the house and ran down the street, through a neighbor’s open door, and right into the house, only to help herself to a loaf of bread. The neighbor attempted to retrieve his bread and Sila retaliated by biting him.  It was decided that she could no longer live in the city.

Sila came to live at Mission:Wolf  when she was nine weeks old. Because she came as a young puppy, Sila was able to bond with many of the staff at the refuge and soon became an Ambassador Wolf, teaching people about the true nature of wolves.  She always looked forward to getting out and meeting people, as well as traveling across the country.  Sila remained true to her independent nature as she grew, forcing her handlers to constantly come up with new ways to catch her attention.  While visiting a natural history museum one year, Sila opened a storage cabinet during a program and found a taxidermied fox.  When she and Merlin, her traveling companion and mate, started to get into a fight over who got to play with the fox, Tracy headed out the door with Sila and the fox in tow.  Inside the program, Kent, Merlin and the audience heard a huge growl and then a loud thump.  While they were outside, Tracy had distracted Sila with a stick, grabbed the fox (the growl was Sila letting Tracy know that was not okay) and threw it onto the roof.  With the fox out of sight, Tracy and Sila walked back through the door and finished  the program.  Over the years, Sila met tens of thousands of people.

Sila only stopped traveling when her mate, Merlin, became to head-strong and powerful to do Ambassador work anymore.  She chose to retire to life at the refuge, rather than continue traveling without Merlin.  The two settled down in a large natural enclosure overlooking the feeding area together.  With her strikingly white coat and being the largest female at Mission:Wolf, weighing over 100 pounds, Sila quickly became the queen of the refuge.  She spent her days stealing meat from and dominating Merlin, posing for visitor pictures and greeting the people who had raised her.



Photos © 2009 - Tracy Ane Brooks